GeneralHow To

How to Find Hidden Spy Apps on Android

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As smartphones have become an indispensable part of our lives, so has the risk of privacy invasion through spy apps. These hidden apps can be installed on your Android device without your knowledge, secretly monitoring your activities, compromising your personal information and misusing resources of your device. Due to this you may be wondering how to find hidden spy apps on Android. Whether it’s a concerned parent or a malicious individual, finding hidden spy apps on your Android is essential to safeguarding your privacy and security. In this article, we will explore some effective methods to detect and remove spy apps from your Android device.

Review Installed Apps

The first step in finding hidden spy apps is to review the list of installed applications on your Android device. To perform this task, go through following steps:   

a. Go to your device’s “Settings.”

b. Move down and go to “Apps” or “Applications.”

c. Then you will be able to observe a list apps installed on your device.

d. Carefully review the list of apps and look for any unfamiliar or suspicious apps.

Check Device Permissions

Spy apps often require extensive permissions to function properly. If you find an app with unusually high permissions or permissions that seem unnecessary for its stated purpose, it may be a red flag. To check app permissions:

a. Go to “Settings” on your smartphone.

b. Select “Apps” or “Applications.”

c. Choose the suspicious app from the list of apps.

d. Click on “Permissions” to see the permissions granted to the app.

e. If you notice any permissions that seem excessive or unrelated to the app’s functionality, consider investigating further.

Analyze Battery Usage

Spy apps can be power-hungry, as they continuously run in the background, collecting data and transmitting it to the perpetrator. Analyzing battery usage can help you identify any suspicious apps that consume an unusually high amount of power. To check battery usage:

a. Go to “Settings” on your Android smartphone.

b. Select “Battery” or “Battery Usage.”

c. Review the list of apps and look for any unusual battery drain by certain apps.

Use Anti-Spyware Apps

There are several reputable anti-spyware apps available on the Google Play Store that can help you detect and remove spyware from your Android device. These apps are designed to scan your device for suspicious software and provide you with insights into potential security threats. Some popular anti-spyware apps include Malwarebytes, Avast Antivirus, and Bitdefender Mobile Security.

Check for Unusual Behavior

If you suspect that your device might have a hidden spy app, pay attention to any unusual behavior of your device, such as:

a. Increased data usage, even when you are not actively using your phone.

b. Unexplained battery drain.

c. Slow performance or lagging.

d. Overheating issues.

e. Pop-up ads or messages that you cannot account for.

Factory Reset

If you have tried the above methods and still believe your device is compromised, performing a factory reset can help eliminate any hidden spy apps. However, make sure to back up your important data before proceeding with the reset, as it will erase all your data and settings.


This article clearly explained you how to find hidden spy apps on Android. Maintaining privacy and security on our Android devices is crucial in today’s interconnected world especially if you use your device for financial transactions. Being vigilant and proactive in detecting hidden spy apps is essential to protect sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands. Regularly review your installed apps, check app permissions, and use anti-spyware tools to safeguard your privacy and ensure a safe digital experience on your Android device. Remember, prevention is always better than cure when it comes to preserving your digital well-being.

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Image courtesy of Mateusz Dach via Creative Commons license, free to use.

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